Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It is an outrage - Regime with no heart and only cruelty

Although I am not sure if the whole of this report is accurate (given that I had seen other reports that indicated that Neda's parents were directed to bury her in a cemetery reserved for the bodies of the protesters), the remainder of the report is totally outrageous.

It is the custom that when a person dies that neighbours, friends and family come and visit to give comfort. However, for Neda Soltan's parents they are not allowed to have visitors. On top of that, it seems that they have been driven from their home.

Here is a snippet from the newspaper report from the Guardian:

The Iranian authorities have ordered the family of Neda Agha Soltan out of their Tehran home after shocking images of her death were circulated around the world.

Neighbours said that her family no longer lives in the four-floor apartment building on Meshkini Street, in eastern Tehran, having been forced to move since she was killed. The police did not hand the body back to her family, her funeral was cancelled, she was buried without letting her family know and the government banned mourning ceremonies at mosques, the neighbours said.

"We just know that they [the family] were forced to leave their flat," a neighbour said. The Guardian was unable to contact the family directly to confirm if they had been forced to leave.

On top of this, the regime is now trying to turn the tables and blame the protesters for Neda's death. I do know that there have been confusing reports about the direction of the bullet. However, the eyewitness, the doctor who was there when Neda was murdered, indicated that the Basij who targeted Neda was standing on the roof of a nearby building and he aimed directly at Neda. Was this cowardly bastard who loves to treat women as second class citizens an Iranian? Or was he a Syrian, Lebanese, or from Gaza? One thing is for certain, the death scene was not staged. Neda died as the result of a bullet to the heart. However, the filthy Iranian regime has tried to blame an expelled British journalist for the death!!!

The government is also accusing protesters of killing Soltan, describing her as a martyr of the Basij militia. Javan, a pro-government newspaper, has gone so far as to blame the recently expelled BBC correspondent, Jon Leyne, of hiring "thugs" to shoot her so he could make a documentary film.
I mean what a ridiculous charge!! Yet there are people out there, especially those left wing people who support the present Iranian regime, who will swallow this lie whole, and will help to spread the lie about what really happened. I have been watching them in action on the various blogs that are covering the Iranian protests. These are protests of the people. It is not even about Mousavi any more. It is about freedom. No one is certain what will happen to Mousavi because he is being watched by the secret police, and it is rumoured that the regime is going to attempt to assassinate him, and then assassinate his killer on the spot.

It is true, Khamenei must be removed from the role of Supreme Leader because he is a dictator and he is setting himself up with the help of the Ahmadinejad who is an extremely dangerous person. Both of them belong to the cult that believes in the return of the 12 Imam and they are trying to do everything that they can to "hurry up the process".

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