Opposition candidate, Kharoubi has lashed out at the state run media over its reports concerning the protests. In his letter, Kharoubi has scolded the Iranian media for blaming the protesters for the violence, when pictures taken by eyewitnesses show plain-clothed Barij hitting the students and others as well as Basij taking aim and shooting to death in some cases the protesters. In other incidents the Basij invaded several universities beating students (to death in some cases) and arresting others.
Over the past week I have seen several very graphic videos of people being bashed by the Basij and of others being shot. I have seen very graphic pictures of people who were either killed by the Basij (such as Neda) or they looked like they were dead because of the serious nature of their injuries. A lot of the reports coming out of Iran via her citizens state that people are afraid of the Basij becuase they have started showing up in great numbers and that they are bashing people or shooting at them, or throwing tear gas at them. On top of this there are reports of people being arrested during the night and being dragged off the Evin prison.
This kind of behaviour of the Basij is exactly the same as the SS in Nazi Germany, and it is the same kind of thing that has happened in countries such as Chile and Venezuela in more recent years. We must not forget that the thug in charge of Venezuela is also prepared to kill his own people in the same manner.
All we can do is get out the word that these things are happening when people are protesting in a peaceful manner. I should point out that in several pictures I saw the soldiers just standing and watching, and I heard reports of the police and soldiers protecting the protestors from the Ahmadinejad supporters.
The people of Iran have a right to have their voice heard. They did not vote for Ahmadinejad and there is mounting evidence that he planned this coup not long after he was elected in 2005. There is also adequate evidence to conclude that Grand Poohbah Khamenei was a part of the coup plot, and that he has the desire for personal power.
What has happened as a result of these personal ambitions is that the people no longer look up to the man who is supposed to be their Supreme Leader. The shouts on the rooftops each night tell the story for when they shout: Alluha Akbar meaning God is great, there is no one but God, they are telling Khamenei that he is not above God. I do not see these shouts as something to fear or as being menacing, rather I see them as a political statement.
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