Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Iran - the lull before the storm?

The latest news from Iran seems to indicate the lull before the storm. It is getting harder for the people to come out into the streets to continue the protests because of the presence of the Basij and the IRG. The stories of those who have died contine. It is not just Neda who was a bystander. Another family lost their only son and they were asked to pay $3000 bullet tax (for the bullet that killed an innocent man). 

It is hard to imagine living in a society where the government uses its armed forces to kill the citizens. It is just so very wrong.  This time I have included a video that is a tribute to the protesters and their fight for both freedom and their right to determine who will govern them.


Perhaps there is a beacon on the hill. We do know that Rafsanjani has been working behind the scenes, not to seize power, like some have believed, but to come up with a reform that will see the end of the Supreme Leader. There is a plan and I hope that it will be one that is acceptable to the people of Iran. The most revered Ayatollah Sistani has sent his representative to the meetings in Qom. I sincerely hope that these meetings will be fruitful.

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